What is Google discover

What is Google Discover and How Does Content Appear in Discover?

SEO & Digital Marketing

Google Discover is a personalized content feed designed to help users find content that aligns with their interests. Unlike traditional SEO search results, Discover surfaces content proactively, anticipating what users might find interesting based on their search history, preferences, and behavior. This innovative feature is available on mobile devices via the Google app and mobile browsers, providing a seamless way for users to stay informed and entertained.

What is Google Discover?

Google Discover, formerly known as Google Feed, was introduced in 2018 as part of Google’s efforts to enhance user experience through personalized content delivery. Discover tailors its content recommendations using advanced machine learning algorithms and user data, including location, search history, and interactions with content. The aim is to present a curated selection of articles, videos, and other media that users will find engaging without them having to search for it.

Key Features of Google Discover

1. Personalization:

The core of Google Discover is its personalization capability. It leverages user data to understand preferences and interests, ensuring the content displayed is highly relevant.

2. Diverse Content Types:

Discover features a variety of content, including news articles, blog posts, videos, and more. This diversity caters to different user preferences, providing a rich browsing experience.

3. Real-Time Updates:

The feed is continuously updated to reflect new and trending content, ensuring users have access to the latest information.

4. Visual and Interactive:

Discover emphasizes visually rich content, making use of images, videos, and cards to create an engaging browsing experience.

How Content Appears in Google Discover

Getting content to appear in Google Discover can significantly boost its visibility and drive traffic. However, inclusion is determined by Google’s algorithms based on several factors:

1. Relevance and Personalization:

Content must align with user interests and search behaviors. Google analyzes user data to match content with individual preferences.

2. Freshness and Trends:

Recent and trending topics are more likely to appear in Discover. Timely content that addresses current events or popular subjects often performs well.

3. Content Quality:

High-quality, authoritative content is favored. Google prioritizes well-researched, well-written, and credible sources.

4. Visual Appeal:

Content that includes high-quality images or videos tends to stand out in Discover. Visual elements make articles more attractive and clickable.

5. Mobile-Friendly:

Given that Discover is primarily accessed on mobile devices, content must be optimized for mobile viewing. This includes fast loading times, responsive design, and easy readability.

Insights from Google’s Official Guidelines

Google provides several key recommendations and insights to help content creators improve their chances of appearing in Discover:

1. E-A-T (Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness):

Content that demonstrates strong E-A-T is more likely to be featured. This means creating authoritative content from expert sources and building trust with your audience.

2. Avoid Clickbait Titles:

Google discourages the use of misleading or sensational titles. Instead, focus on accurate and descriptive titles that genuinely reflect the content.

3. Engaging and High-Quality Visuals:

Use large, high-quality images that are at least 1200 pixels wide. Ensure you have the proper rights to use the images and enable large image previews by setting the `max-image-preview:large` directive.

4. Unique Content:

Original and unique content is more likely to be recommended. Avoid duplicate content and strive to offer new insights or information.

5. Content Policies:

Adhere to Google’s content policies, including guidelines on misleading content, inappropriate content, and harmful practices. Violating these guidelines can result in reduced visibility.

Best Practices for Appearing in Google Discover

To increase the chances of your content appearing in Google Discover, consider the following best practices:

1. Create High-Quality Content:

Focus on producing informative, engaging, and well-researched content. Ensure it provides value to readers and addresses their interests.

2. Use Engaging Visuals:

Incorporate high-quality images and videos into your content. Ensure visuals are relevant and enhance the overall user experience.

3. Optimize for Mobile:

Ensure your website is mobile-friendly. Use responsive design, optimize loading speeds, and make sure text is readable on smaller screens.

4. Stay Current:

Publish content on trending topics and current events. Timely content is more likely to be picked up by Discover.

5. Build Authority:

Establish your site as a trusted source of information. High domain authority and strong E-A-T signals can improve your chances of being featured.

6. Monitor Performance:

Use Google Analytics and Google Search Console to monitor the performance of your content. Analyze which pieces are performing well in Discover and adjust your strategy accordingly.


Google Discover represents a significant opportunity for content creators to reach a wider audience through personalized recommendations. By understanding how Discover works and implementing best practices, you can enhance your content’s visibility and drive more traffic to your site. Focus on creating high-quality, engaging, and relevant content that aligns with user interests, and you’ll be well on your way to appearing in Google’s Discover feed.

For more detailed guidelines, you can refer to Google’s official documentation on how content appears in Discover. This resource provides comprehensive insights into optimizing your content for Discover and adhering to Google’s best practices.

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